Book/Report FZJ-2017-06150
Instrumentelle und programmiertechnische Verfahren zur on-line-Erfassung von Daten bei reaktorphysikalischen Messungen mit Rechner PDP 15/30

Kernforschungsanlage Jülich, Verlag Jülich

Jülich : Kernforschungsanlage Jülich, Verlag, Berichte der Kernforschungsanlage Jülich 865, 135 p. ()

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Report No.: Juel-0865-RG

Abstract: This report gives adescription of instrumentation and programming methods for an-Iine data acquisition in critical and subcriticalexperiments for determination of some nuclear reactorphysical data. The given programmes are suitable in determining the following values: decay constant of a neutron field, distribution of pulse raten, flux variation in inverse kinetic measurements, doubling time and extrapolation of the critical mass in loading experiments. Another programme aliows to determine the Jong-time stahility and calibration of multi-channel analyzers. The circuit drawings, block- and timing-diagrams are given in the annex to explain text and programme flow charts. The listings of the programmes are written in FORTRAN and partially in assembler language MACRO-15.

Contributing Institute(s):
  1. Publikationen vor 2000 (PRE-2000)
Research Program(s):
  1. 899 - ohne Topic (POF3-899) (POF3-899)

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 Record created 2017-08-29, last modified 2021-01-29

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